A report on finance tracking of activities aimed at reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+) in Papua New Guinea was recently released under the REDDX (REDD eXpenditures) initiative of Forest Trends.
This 28 page report authored by WCS staff Bensolo Ken and co-authored by Ezra Neale presents findings from the first round of REDD+ finance tracking in PNG from 2009 – 2014.
The REDDX initiative is the first comprehensive attempt to track and report on financial commitments and disbursements for REDD+ activities in PNG.
REDDX was conducted in PNG through a partnership between Forest Trends and the Wildlife Conservation Society PNG Program, in collaboration with PNG’s Office of Climate Change and Development.
Forest Trends had also released a press release to inform stakeholders and partners of the release of the report.
Check our publications section to download the PDF copy of the report.